11 Ways To Communicate Change Without Alienating Your Customers

In August 2017, MoviePass launched a new, low-priced subscription model. Within six months of the launch, it went from 20,000 to more than 2 million subscribers — and many of those newly acquired customersfound themselves on a roller coaster of changing policies, limited offerings and frustrating tech issues. Businesses can learn some valuable customer service lessons from MoviePass, especially when it comes to communicating changes …

13 Creative Strategies You Can Use To Drive Brand Awareness

Growing your organization’s brand awareness can help you further expand your business. But even the most creative of communications professionals can find it quite challenging to continually come up with new and innovative ideas that resonate with your customer base. You may be at your wit’s end trying to think of a new creative idea that hits all the marks while growing your organization’s brandawareness. To help, 13 members of Forbes Communications …

Reaching Your Audience: Eight Tips For Building A Successful Event

Building a communications strategy that wins with your customers, as well as the press, is essential to gaining market share and growing your organization’s revenue. To do that, you need a well-crafted communications plan for your high-profile event — and you know your resources aren’t unlimited. This means that you need to know who you are targeting, in order to make sure you use the right platforms to communicate with youraudience. …

Five Ways To Get The Most Out Of A Networking Event

Have you ever taken the time to analyze how you are spending your work-related time and the business results that come from what you do? Many people forget to think about networking as work-related, scheduled time. They often go to a networking event if, and only if, it fits into their schedule or what’s left of their open time. They …

Five Tips To Become A More Successful Negotiator

Do you negotiate? Of course you do. If you think about it, you may spend close to 50% of your time negotiating every day. It may be where to meet a client for lunch or what to have for dinner with your spouse. It may be something more important like closing a big business deal or creating a business partnership. How …